Critical Literacy PD for the Rouge Forum
Friends, feel free to use this space to begin pulling together your PD session on Critical Literacy for the Rouge Forum conference. a critically-engaged, hopeful, and supportive voice for change. It's members are dedicated to affirming the basic rights of and creating realistic solutions with children and families who are disenfranchised by an unjust socio-economic structure. This empowering partnership seeks to facilitate system-wide change through respect for social difference, humanistic teaching, service to others, transformative dialog, and an ever-evolving journey toward connectedness.
After the meeting I was thinking about the comment someone made regarding what membership in PrESS means to our lives outside of the group, and how this information could be presented in the PD. Belonging to PrESS gives me the feeling that I am not alone. As we discussed last night, it can get very dishearening to feel like you are alon against this monster of social injustice. How can I or you alone fight poverty, classism, ignorance, and hunger. None of us alone can. As Adam pointed out,niether could King or Ghandi. The common people must form a united front against the front that is united against us. Now when I make up lessons focusing on relevant social issues, I feel PrESS behind me encourageing me to continue in these efforts, no matter how daunting. Likewise it is important to me that this group consists of individuals who have SOME priviliges over those whom we are trying to assist, be it education, income, ethnicity or all of the above. I think any and all of the members could or should be able to testify as to what membership in PrESS means to them. I believe we should also be able to make these connections relevant. If we are not going to include our identity as a member of PrESS with our identities as educators why be in it? What about example lesson plans for the PD. I could bring a couple. Keep in mind though I am a first year teacher who is technologically deficient and organizationally handicapped. I'm working on it though. Eric
Absolutely Eric!
We are going to start working on that here. Please publish your ideas or email!
I've got one teacher at my school that wants to go. She might even be interested in adding some material if you were interested in her work. She is the peace mediation educator at our school, a program that she initiated and has headed. Her work was well recognized by the Nativity Miquel Network as they came to evaluate our school. They are looking to adopt much of her material to the schools nationwide. Rachel what materials are you planning to bring/present? I think it's very important that we provide examples. The one criticism of the "Beyond Paris Hilton" presentation by Sonya that I heard, was how do teachers adapt this form of thinking/teaching with their content. We've need to anticipate that most of the population is not overly creative. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph."
> Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Am I speaking to the void? We've got two weeks. WE've got a 'peace' program at oour school that could be talked about and presented information on. I've had my classes brainstorm on words to describe how they have felt at moments of discrimination and then write 'letters' to their discriminator. The peace teacher and myself are working on projects such as immigrant welcoming, interaction and support to help our students see their own prejudices. What about horticulture is there a place for that in here? The same teacher and I are beginning a garden with our kids. I need ideas to get ideas from.
Hey Eric-
You are not speaking into the void:) Like always we have lots on our plate. We seem to always run to wire. Sorry.
Have you looked at pedagogy page on the website? The current PD which is an hour and a half long is posted there. This PD will run three hours. We probably want to keep what is there, but we need to put together an overall "format" for the second hour and a half and then look at the particulars.
The letters sound great. They would be great examples of student work to include in the presentation or to display. Can you get us some copies?
We had several thoughts about the second hour and a half. We really want to focus on action. We also thought about interactive activities. Hope some of this helps. More to come soon. Keep your good ideas coming :)
Yes I know it's busy. I wasn't being rude, just trying to provoke a response. Thanks.
Definitely the original PD what can we do interactive. It would be good if we maybe had some graphic organizers to hand out and let teachers insert some of their social interests, you know, come up with some short lesson plans. I should have some student work to bring, I'm hoping that other do as well.
Thanks so much for posting all of the awesome info! Looking forward to seeing more posts!
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